shift mental health

Plates move. Mountains are formed.

online mental health therapy for teens + adults in the state of minnesota.

Shift Mental Health strives to shift the lives of individuals, families, and communities - all while actively shifting the mental health field and experience overall. We were founded upon the belief that any slight shift can create mountainous change - change that is both near + far, local + widespread, individual + collective.

Shift Mental Health emerged out of opportunity, necessity, and urgency; the mental health field is outdated. We are dynamically working to create a shift in the way in which mental health services, approaches, and practices are perceived, delivered, and cultivated.


Shift is actively reimagining the field to be one which is understood through a lens of openness and commonality. We are passionate about initiating, supporting, and fostering shift within the lives of our clients and community.

In our client-centered approach at Shift, we acknowledge and prioritize your needs, values, + goals; these guide therapy and remain at the core of each session. We recognize that effective psychotherapy is far more than the use of a theory or skill; effective therapy requires an approach that parallels today’s modern world of uncertainty, complexity, and humanness.


With an emphasis on mental wellness, life enrichment, + resiliency, we are working to create a shift in how mental health is perceived, treated, and conversed about.

Check out our services for more information on what we offer and to see if we align with what you are seeking + your needs.

At Shift Mental Health, our therapeutic work with clients reflects who we are as human beings.

Our values:

  • connection

  • authenticity

  • relatedness

  • integrity

  • presence

  • wholeness

  • transparency


Janna Schriber Mason

get started today.